Auckland 2021

20-22 Aug, Fri: 10am-4pm Sat: 9am-5pm, Sun 10am–4pm, Auckland Showgrounds

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Shop Snooze

Stand: J28 – View Map

Shop Snooze

Shop Snooze introduces a range of app controlled products relating to infant and child sleep.

SmartSnugg improves baby's sleep comfort with the ease of adding or removing layers throughout the night - no more worrying about whether your child is too hot or too cold inside their sleeping bag. Get real time data and alerts to your mobile device about their sleeping comfort and safety with 48,000 different positions of your child detected, so that you can have peace of mind that you'll be alerted if they roll if they're not safe to sleep on their tummy yet.

Ooly is the adorable sleep companion that helps your child understand when it’s time to get up. A fully customisable, app controlled Sleep Trainer Clock that is compatible with iOS and Android phones or tablets. Simple to use and no tempting buttons for your child to tinker with!

Shop Snooze's "smart' nursery device is app controlled, offering white noise and an adjustable nightlight, perfect for overnight feeds.

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