Social Media Comment Policy

We encourage comments on The Baby Show social media platforms. Your ideas and concerns are important to ensure that a broad range of people are active and participate.

We want to publish your comments, but we expect conversations to follow the conventions of polite discourse. Therefore, we won't post comments that contain:

- Vulgar, obscene or abusive language or images.

- Personal attacks, unsupported accusations, defamation or threats of any kind.

- Offensive terms targeted at groups or persons of a specific ethnicity, race or sexual orientation.

- Advertisements or language focused primarily on promoting commercial interests or services.

- Spam or subject matter that is far off topic.- campaign materials promoting or opposing an individual in an election for political office.

We will not edit inappropriate comments, they will be removed. Only comments that comply with this policy will be approved. Please note that the comments posted to Facebook, Twitter, Flickr or relevant sites represent the opinions of the individuals providing the comment and not the views, positions or polices of The Baby Show or its employees.

The Web is a 24/7 medium and comments are welcome at any time. However, The Baby Show will moderate and post comments generally during regular business hours, Monday through Friday. Comments submitted after hours or on weekends will be moderated as early as possible the next business day.

To protect your privacy and the privacy of others, please do not include phone numbers or email addresses in the body of your comment. This social media comment policy is subject to amendment or modification at any time to ensure its continued use is consistent with its intended purpose as a limited forum.

If you have questions about the social media comment policy or how we apply it, please contact us.