At last an all-natural NZ-made relief for kiwi kids with kiwi coughs and colds


With the change in season, colder nights and heating on, more people are getting the sniffles. It is bad enough as an adult getting a cough or cold but when one of the younger ones gets sick it is trying on all of the family.

Getting relief for infants with coughs, colds and congestion have decreased in recent times, with Medsafe recommending that oral cough and cold pharmaceutical medicines should not be used in children under six years of age. So as a parent what do you do? You do not want your child to be in discomfort and it is heart breaking to see them suffer, so you look for alternatives.

You want something natural and great tasting, safe and effective, and that’s where Kiwiherb comes in.

Kiwiherb has a whole children’s range specifically formulated by pharmacists & medical herbalists which help support immunity, relieve irritability and restlessness and support the health of the upper & lower respiratory tract. All products in this range can be used by kids, toddlers and babies.

Whether they need respite from bronchial congestion –take Children’s Chest Syrup - blocked noses and sinuses – try De-stuff for Kids - or sore, dry tickly throats – use the new Children’s Throat Syrup, Kiwiherb has an all-natural solution to give relief to the little kiwi in your life, which keeps everyone happy.

Featuring premium organic New Zealand herbs naturally sweetened and flavoured with organic honey, not only is it good for you, it will appeal to even the fussiest child.

So to keep the winter blues at bay try the Kiwiherb Children’s range from your local pharmacy or health food store.