Autumn Edition 2023

11-12 Mar, Sat: 9am-5pm, Sun 9am–4pm, Auckland Showgrounds

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Philips Avent

Stand: E5 – View Map

Philips Avent

From the first magical moment you say hello to your little one, to their first smile and joyful steps, being a parent is extraordinary. However, there are also challenging moments where it’s hard to make sense of it all. That’s where we come in.
We’ve spent decades working with healthcare professionals and relentlessly understanding how moms and babies work to make products that support each unique parenting journey. Every day we help millions of mums and dads give their babies the best nutrition, calm their tears, enjoy more smiles, and raise happy, healthy babies.
Embrace every challenge, love every moment.

Specials in Autumn Edition 2023

Philips Avent Double Electric Breast Pump

Philips Avent have released a revolutionary new double electric breast pump that makes expressing simple, fast and gentle. Until now, breast pump technology has mostly focused on suction to draw milk out from the breast. Our new Natural Motion Technology combines gentle nipple stimulation and suction, like baby, for a quicker and more comfortable milk flow. The pump features 8 stimulation settings, and 16 expression settings (more than most pumps) so you can find the personalized setting that is comfortable for you. This pump is compact, lightweight and ultra-quiet for a discreet pumping experience. Limited Stock. Special offer of 60% off RRP

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