Autumn Edition 2023

11-12 Mar, Sat: 9am-5pm, Sun 9am–4pm, Auckland Showgrounds

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The Baby Coach- Trish Martin

Stand: C19 – View Map

The Baby Coach- Trish Martin

I'm looking forward to meeting you at the show. Come and chat because I would love to give you more understanding of how to engage your inner power, your intuition, to help you enjoy your postpartum journey. Knowledge and confidence is important for every new mom. With over 25 years of experience as a Registered Nurse, Plunket Nurse, Holistic Health Practitioner and mum of three, postpartum planning is what it's all about. Sleep deprivation will only be a thought not a challenge. Working along side you and your newborn right form birth till 12 months, supporting and guiding you with all newborn care, breastfeeding, bottle feeding, learning about baby cues, becoming knowledgeable about your baby reflexes and how they fit in with feeding and sleep. Teaching you how to settle and resettle, understanding sleep associations and sleep tools and how they will fit in with you and your family long term.
Creating positive, sustainable and a unique environment for you to enjoy your newborn.

Specials in Autumn Edition 2023

Join the membership and get 1 or 2 months free ????

I'm very excited to announce The Baby Coach Community Village. A membership like no other. It's been a dream of mine to create a community for new moms to seek guidance and support without judgment. You can join for 6 months or 12 months. The membership starts before you baby arrives, at 36 weeks gestation. You can gain knowledge and be prepared before your newborn arrives. New moms often feel overwhelmed, frustrated or even scared, knowing how to tackle the transition into motherhood. Don't fear, The Baby Coach is here.???? Whats' included in the membership? ❤️Virtual advice and support directly from me to you. ❤️Private Facebook Page ❤️Free Ebooks upon joining ❤️Free resources ❤️Advice from other experts in their field ❤️plus inspiration for you, because you are important. This membership is like no other. Join today

The offer is available is available now until end of March 2023 Must join for 6 months or 12 months 6 months get 1 month free 12 months get 2 months free Monthly direct payments. No opt out early once you have joined the membership.

Gift Basket competition

Gift basket at the show.

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